Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Thank God for modern conveniences!

Wow...I am so thankful that it's 76 degrees in my house tonight. That's because LAST NIGHT it was 90!!! We noticed in the wee hours of Monday morning that something wasn't right, and we had to pack up and head for the parents house yesterday evening. I am so appreciative of my air conditioner and I am amazed at how hard it is to function when something you are so used to goes out! Of course, the boys were excited about an impromptu spend-the-night at Grammy and Granddads. Then it was fixed just in time for the boys to not miss a night of VBS. This mommy has missed two nights though, last night to pack us to stay away, and tonight to clean and prepare the house for us to come home. There was a rotten potato that sat in the heat...NOT GOOD. When my Mom picked it up, rotten potato juice went everywhere! The smell was horrendous. We both decided that would be a great torture method...rotten potatoes dripping on your nose. We had to scour everything that it came in contact with.
Now the smell is cleared out and it's nice and cool. Because of all the rearranging I hadn't had time to buy things for Parker's birthday Thursday. We are entertaining grandparents, and I want everything to be perfect for him. So I got myself together and got what I needed at Wal-Mart, and hopefully tomorrow will be spent cleaning and preparing here. Can't believe I am about to have a 6 year old! I'll blog about the birthday at the end of the week...

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