Thursday, October 1, 2009

A First Timer, Here!

O.K. So I am trying the blog thing. I figured since Logan and I have such interesting days now that Parker's in school, it's only fitting that I tell others about it! Well, I wouldn't call watching Thomas the Train extremely interesting, but oh well...
I have been extremely technologically hesitant. My brother-in-law was amazed when I joined Facebook, and everyone who knows me knows that I never answer text messages on my phone. Might be because I am cheap, I don't know!

But anyway, life with two boys can be interesting at times, like any time you hear the potty flush and the words "uh oh" come after know, that kind of interesting. So maybe I'll find some fun things to tell you about - check back in with me from time to time, and we'll see how much trouble the Cook Boys can find!

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